Manchester Foundation Trust Charity

Supporting excellence in treatment, research and care

Manchester Foundation Trust Charity

  1. Step 1 Selection
  2. Step 2 Registration
What will you do for £72for72?
Event registration summary
Register your challenge:
Register your challenge

Terms and Conditions of Fundraising

I/we hereby declare that all monies raised will be forwarded to the Charity no later than six weeks after the fundraising event. Once monies have been paid to the Charity they can be used however in accordance with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Charity funds documentation

I/we hereby confirm that the hospital did not request me/us to fundraise on its behalf and that we volunteer to do so. I/we hereby confirm that neither Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Charity nor any person or corporate body connected with it will be responsible for any expenses, injury or loss suffered by me/us or any third party, during or as a result of the fundraising, unless all aspects of health and safety legislation and charity law have been met.

The Charity is obliged under Charity Commission guidelines to report a serious incident if it suspects any activity relating to a registered fundraiser meets the criteria describing a serious incident.  Full details can be found on the Charity Commission website